
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The text of the ABSTRACT and the Poster follow the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Diretrizes para Autores in the Author Guidelines or to the right of your screen under SEND SUBMISSION

Author Guidelines

Rules for Paper Submission to the VI Congress

OBS: Short and practical tutorials are available at this link - watch before starting your submission >  They are: 1. OJS3+ user registration - 2. How to submit a work in OJS3+


1. Authors must first submit, and obligatorily in OJS, an ABSTRACT (recommended to include Abstract). This Summary will be analyzed by the evaluators. Authors of approved Abstracts will receive an e-mail requesting the poster with guidelines for access and deadline. Authors of unapproved abstracts will also be notified.
2. Posters are free presentations, under the responsibility of the authors, and may address previous notes, description of cases, work methods or implementation of new services
3. The presenter must be registered for the event. Registration for the Congress must be done prior to the submission of the approved poster. Poster, even if approved, without the previous registration of the presenting author, will not be considered.
4. The author must first submit an Abstract of the Poster. It can only be submitted in Portuguese. The title of the concise but informative work should appear on the first line, in bold. In subsequent lines, without leaving spaces between the lines, the names of the authors must appear without abbreviations, starting with the first name. On the next line, the place where the work was developed. Then, a blank line begins and the description of the work begins, which should cover in a summarized and clear way, the Introduction, Objectives and Methodology, Results and Conclusions. The Abstract  must contain up to 2,200 characters considering spaces, title/name and location.
5. If the Abstract is approved, the Author's Poster will be requested. Abstract and Poster, once accepted, will be published in the Brazilian Congress of Lifestyle Medicine, in the way they were received.
6. The printed poster should be 90 cm (width) x 120 cm (length).
7. The presenter is responsible for placing and removing the poster at the exhibition site, whose space will be identified, and must remain next to their poster for the oral presentation.
8. The presenter must fix his poster up to 5 hours before the presentation and strictly respect the date and time, which will be announced in advance. Posters not withdrawn at the end of the event will be discarded. The organization of the event is not responsible for keeping works.
9. The Abstract must be typed in Word for Windows, using Arial 12 font, space of 1.5cm between lines in a page, without tables or figures. The approved poster must be submitted on the website  by 10/25/2023. The depositor author of the approved abstract must upload his poster by accessing the link above, with his password. You must click on ACTIVE SUBMISSIONS and in the SAME submission of the Abstract you must upload your poster, so that they can be published together.
10. The abstract and the approved poster must be submitted on the website by 09/20/2023. It must also be sent in PDF, for publication on the congress website. To upload the approved poster, access this same link and click on active submissions. Upload the Poster file via the same link as your previously approved Abstract. 
11. Attention: Only Abstracts submitted by 09/20/2023 may compete for the award and publication in the scientific journal "Brazilian Journal of Lifestyle Medicine", provided that they meet the requirements demanded by the journal. Abstracts submitted after 09/20/2023 will be evaluated for presentation and exhibition at the VI Congress, but will not compete for an award.
12. The categories for submitting papers will be: > Behavioral Science > Clinical evaluation and diagnosis in Lifestyle Medicine > Self-care by health professionals > Nutrition Science > Movement > Mental Health and Stress Management > Sleep > Control of toxic substances > Connection > Application of Positive Psychology in Lifestyle Medicine > Application of Non-Violent Communication in Lifestyle Medicine > Application of Health Coaching Tools in Lifestyle Medicine > Multipillar Interventions in Lifestyle Medicine > Models Business in Lifestyle Medicine >
Applicability of Technology in Lifestyle Medicine
13. Vancouver is the standard adopted for References [poster]

14. About the award for the 3 best posters

> The 3 awards are intended to encourage research in Lifestyle Medicine, and will be given to the posters with the greatest relevance and impact on salutogenesis, prevention, treatment and reversal of chronic non-communicable diseases

> The official binding academics, health professionals, medical professionals, and non-medical professionals from related areas, to Lifestyle Medicine, individually or in a team

> All Posters accepted for presentation at the Congress compete for this prize

> The writing must comply with the norms established by the regulation for the presentation of posters in the Congress.

> The Poster Judging Committee will select the 3 best entries and choose the winners.

> The prize will be given only to the three best posters.

> The decision taken by the Judging Commission of Posters of the Congress, in the choice of those who come to be awarded, will be considered supreme, irrevocable and unappealable.

> The awards will be handed out during the VI Brazilian Congress of Lifestyle Medicine, at the Work Highlights Session, on November 11, 2023.

> The awards for the three best posters will be defined by the Scientific Committee of the Congress.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this congress site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this congress and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.