Electronic cigarettes and stress in medical students: preliminary data
Medical Students, Stress, Electronic CigarettesAbstract
Introduction: A reality present in the lives of medical students, stress, can affect physical and mental health, in addition to contributing to the use of electronic cigarettes (EC). Popular among young people, especially in the academic environment, CE is a disruptive innovation and has a harmful effect on health. Objectives: Identify the level of EC dependence in medical students and its relationship with stress. Methods: Analytical cross-sectional study with students from the Faculty of Medicine of Campos (CEP 40145420.0.0000.5244). Two online questionnaires were administered: Lipp's Inventory of Stress Symptoms for Adults (ISSL) and the Penn State Electronic Cigarette Addiction Index (PS-ECDI) adapted to Portuguese. In the 1st phase until September/23, 253 participants were obtained. In October, the sample will be completed with a 95% confidence level and a 3% margin of error. After completion, Pearson's chi-square statistical association tests will be performed in Minitab 18, to determine whether the two categorical qualitative variables (level of stress and EC dependence) are associated, with a significance level of 5%. Results: Of the 253 participants to date: 53.8% female and 46.2% male. The ISSL reveals the following categories: 43.1% “without stress”, and 56.9% with some degree of stress. The PS-ECDI shows that 49.0% of students were considered non-smokers and 51.0% had some level of dependence. Correlation data will be obtained at the end of the 2nd phase of the research with the completed sample. Conclusion: It has been possible to observe so far that more than 50% of students present some level of stress as well as some level of dependence on the EC.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Mariah Duarte Gantos do Amaral, Amanda Rainha Monteiro , Leticia Nunes Campista Silveira , Fabrício Viana Andretti , Daniel José Matos de Medeiros Lima

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